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Teaching in Spain: How TESOL Certification Will Help You

  • 2 min read
  • Spain

I found out pretty early on that I enjoyed teaching English in Spain more than the usual ‘do this for a year while on holiday’ gig, which you see often, so I knew I wanted to do a TESOL course that could give me some decent credentials and make me a better teacher.

In this article, I’m going to explain why taking an accredited TESOL certification course can help you in Spain.

About the Author: Rob completed our 250-hour TESOL Diploma and today he is teaching English in Madrid, Spain.

How TESOL Certification Helps in Spain

The job market is very competitive in Spain, especially in big cities like Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Seville, and Valencia.

An accredited TESOL certification will help you secure a job and give you the training that you need to enjoy teaching abroad.

When you know how to create professional lesson plans, you don’t need to rely on the textbook as much.

Your students have fun with role-play activities that mimic the real world and your class can become a fun movie night, where students learn new grammar and vocabulary.

Why I Took a TESOL Certificate Course

I wanted to be able to walk into a classroom and feel as though I really knew what I was doing. OnTESOL was my first and only choice and they haven’t disappointed me.

Qualifications are becoming more important for this line of work.

Only a few years ago you could pretty much show up and start teaching, and while this is still possible, at least in Madrid, I know that a good, solid TESOL certificate or diploma behind you will help immensely.

I would definitely recommend doing one of the OnTESOL courses if you have an interest in teaching abroad, especially Spain because you will learn the core of the job.

Teaching overseas is challenging, so it’s best to come prepared.

Watch the video below to learn more about living in Madrid:

Read More on Teaching Abroad:

Where Can I Teach and Travel with a TESOL Certificate?

Best Places to Teach Abroad and Travel

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