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TESOL 101: Free TESOL Course by OnTESOL

Learn the essentials of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) with our free TESOL 101 Course. TESOL 101 is a great introduction to teaching methods and lesson planning. In this course you will learn how to the Communicative Approach applies in the classroom. TESOL 101 course includes a chapter on teaching abroad, which provides case studies from the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Turkey, the Czech Republic and South Korea to show you how TESOL methods are applied to different classroom settings from all over the world.

TESOL 101: Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Methods and Approaches

This chapter will introduce the Grammar Translation Method, the Direct Method, and the Communicative Language Teaching Method.

Chapter 2: Why The Communicative Approach?

In this chapter you will learn the principles of the Communicative Approach and why it’s the most effective way of teaching English.

Chapter 3: Using Authentic Material

In this chapter you will learn how to use authentic material to teach English in context. It includes a section on using video, songs, radio, and comics, as well as a case study from the United Arab Emirates.

Chapter 4: Teaching Vocabulary

This chapter will teach you how to introduce new vocabulary and teach vocabulary in context.

Chapter 5: Teaching Reading Skills

This chapter will teach you the processes of teaching reading skills and how to help your students develop skimming and scanning skills.

Chapter 6: Teaching Speaking Skills

This chapter introduces key factors for a successful speaking class, provides examples of speaking activities, and shows how to take a pronunciation class from mechanical practice to spontaneous conversations.

Chapter 7: Teaching Listening Skills

This chapter will help you understand the difference between teaching listening skills and testing listening skills so you can develop activities that help your students improve their listening comprehension.

Chapter 8: Teaching Writing Skills

This chapter will show you how to teach writing skills communicatively and provide you with examples of writing activities.

Chapter 9: Lesson Planning

This chapter will introduce you to the Presentation, Practice, and Production lesson planning format. You will also have access to TESOL lesson plans written by OnTESOL graduates.

Chapter 10: Teaching Abroad

This chapter will help you understand how TESOL theory applies in different countries so that you can be a more reflective teacher and adapt to different classroom situations when teaching English abroad.

TESOL Certification Guide

New to the World Of English Language Teaching?
Read our TESOL Certification Guide: Everything you need to know about types of courses, accreditations, and how to start your career in TESOL.

How to Teach English: Expert Articles by OnTESOL Graduates