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250-hour TESOL Diploma – Course Syllabus

250-hour TESOL Diploma: Course Syllabus

The syllabus was designed by Coventry House International. This course is an extended version of the in-class 5-week Trinity CertTESOL that Coventry offers in Toronto. The 250-hour TESOL Diploma program is fully online. It can be completed in 2 months and traineees have up to 8 months to complete the whole program.

The following is a select list of units and topics covered in the 250-hour TESOL Diploma program:

Grammar module

The grammar module consists of 17 units. This module will conclude when you pass the final grammar exam. Quizzes are available for practicing varied grammatical concepts.

See grammar syllabus

Methodology module

The methodology module consists of 19 units. You will have to submit 10 tasks, 19 assignments, and a final exam to pass this module. By the end of the course you will have compiled a portfolio including your assignments, observation tasks and lesson plans which will provide tangible evidence of the course work. This module includes authentic video-taped lessons with adult ESL students.

See methodology syllabus

Phonology module

The phonology module consists of 13 units. This module will conclude when you pass the final phonology exam. Quizzes are available for practicing varied phonology concepts.

See phonology syllabus