Last updated: October 23, 2023
Course Activation
After processing your enrolment and payment, we will contact you with your log on information and the name of the personal tutor assigned to you.
OnTESOL reserves the right to refuse entry into any of its programs. In such cases, a full refund will be provided within 48 hours of terminating the contract.
Course Material
The courses are fully done online and all study material — including video recorded lessons for the required observation component of the 250-hour TESOL Diploma and the 120-hour Advanced TESOL Certificate and selections from recommended ESL texts in OnTESOL’s library — can be found in the methodology module. No study material will be mailed to you but you will be able to download all chapters in PDF format for printing or offline viewing. Your tutor may also recommend the purchase or borrowing of some additional books for further reference.
Your access privileges to the course material will be restricted after 30 days following completion or when the maximum duration limit has been reached.
Course Duration
120-hour Advanced TESOL Certificate: This course consists of three modules: Study Skills and the World of English; Language Awareness (Module 2a Grammar; Module 2b Phonology); Methodology.
This course may take from 4 to 24 weeks to complete. The maximum time limit for completing the 120-hour course is 6 months. See Extension Policy at the end of this agreement for more information on extension options and costs.
168-hour Hybrid TEFL Certificate: This course consists of six modules: Study Skills and the World of English; Language Awareness (Module 2a Grammar; Module 2b Phonology); Methodology with mandatory attendance to the 10-hour Live Lesson Planning Workshop; Introduction to TEYL, Teaching English Online, and TEFL Resources.
This course may take from 6 to 32 weeks to complete. The maximum time limit for completing the 168-hour course is 8 months. See Extension Policy at the end of this agreement for more information on extension options and costs.
250-hour TESOL Diploma: This course consists of three modules: grammar, methodology and phonology. This course may take from 8 to 32 weeks to complete. The maximum time limit for completing the full course is 32 weeks (8 months). See Extension Policy at the end of the agreement for more information on extension options and costs.
20-hour TEYL (Teaching English to Young Learners): This course takes a minimum of 20 hours to complete and the maximum time allocated for this course is 2 months after activation date.
20-hour TBEC (Teaching Business English Course): This course takes a minimum of 20 hours to complete and the maximum time allocated for this course is 2 months after activation date.
20-hour Teaching IELTS (Teaching IELTS Course): This course takes a minimum of 20 hours to complete and the maximum time allocated for this course is 2 months after activation date.
20-hour Teaching English Online Course: This course takes a minimum of 20 hours to complete and the maximum time allocated for this course is 2 months after activation date.
10-hour Live Lesson Planning Workshop: This live module relates to the methodology module in the 120-hour, 168-hour, and 250-hour TESOL / TEFL courses and can be added for an additional cost. Access will only be granted after passing assignment 3 in methodology and students can register in the next scheduled workshop through the course platform. Attendance is required to complete the 168- hour Hybrid TEFL Certificate program., but attendance is not required to graduate from the 120-hour or the 250-hour TESOL courses.
*Specialist courses purchased as a package with a TESOL/TEFL course are activated after completion of the TESOL/TEFL course. As TESOL is a prerequisite for all specialist courses, in the event that the enrolee does not complete their TESOL course, they will forfeit access to any specialist courses that were part of their TESOL program package. There is no refund in this case. Students have a maximum of 2 months to complete each course. The start date cannot be postponed. In the event a student registers in 2 specialist courses, the student has a total of 4 months to complete both specialists, and so on. Furthermore, the student must complete the first specialist before receiving access to the next specialist.
Academic Tutor
Your personal tutor will contact you via the student portal after your course has been activated and will guide you through the course. You can message your tutor for any questions or doubts you may have. Your tutor is available for necessary guidance and clarification of all course segments; this includes both anticipated online instructional time and ad hoc requests. Your tutor is in charge of correcting and grading your assignments and will inform OnTESOL’s administration of any concerns regarding your performance in the course, lack of participation or technical problems and gives final verification of your completion of the course so that you may receive your certificate/diploma and transcript
Assessment Criteria and Marking System
Candidates are required to successfully complete all exams, tests, tasks and assignments contained in the online courses in order to graduate from the programs.
Mode of Assessment
The assessment will be continuous and integrated. It will take place throughout the course and each assessed component will contribute to the overall grade. When a tutor asks a trainee to redo an assignment it is because the assignment is below standard, that is, it is not a pass. Re-submission of unsatisfactory assignments (Below Standard) for re-grading is at the discretion of the tutor and the Director of Studies. See make-up policy for each program.
Access to Course Material
Access to material is provided as the student progresses through the course. In the event that the student does not complete the course, OnTESOL is not required to provide materials or access to modules the student did not reach. This includes access to specialist courses if the prerequisite TESOL course is not completed.
Assignments and Exams Make-up Policy
120-hour Advanced TESOL Certificate / 168-hour Hybrid TEFL Certificate
All assignments, tests, exams, and tasks must be passed with a minimum passing mark of 55% (C-). Only one make-up assignment is accepted for a failed assignment/exam. The maximum number of assignments/exams that a candidate can fail and re-submit is 2. Failing more than 2 assignments will result in failing the whole course.
250-hour TESOL Diploma
All assignments, tests, exams, and tasks must be passed with a minimum passing mark of 55% (with the exception of the grammar module whose minimum passing grade is 60%).
Only one make-up assignment is accepted for a failed assignment/exam. The minimum average passing mark for a make-up assignment or exam is 65%. The maximum number of assignments/exams that a candidate can fail or re-submit is 4. Failing more than 4 assignments/exams will result in failing the whole course.
Grading and Assessment
Candidates are awarded a grade (see scale below), supported and amplified by a progress report. The scale of grades is as follows:
PASS with Distinction:
- 100-90 (A)
- 89-86 (A-)
- 85 (B+)
PASS with Merit:
- 84-75 (B)
- 74-70 (B-)
PASS: Pass (The candidate has satisfactorily fulfilled the requirements of the course and shows potential, but will need careful and consistent further guidance when employed)
- 69-65 (C+)
- 64-60 (C)
- 59-55 (C-)
Below Standard = Failing Mark (See make-up policy to graduate from either program).
- 54-0 (F)
Rights and Code of Conduct
This code of conduct is designed to provide an explicit definition of the minimal standards of personal conduct that Coventry House International- OnTESOL expects of all its students. It represents a benchmark of expectations regarding students, and defines the boundaries within a rewarding and mutually supportive learning environment can be created. It is based on the assumption that most students in the course already uphold these statements of conduct and can, without reservation, endorse them.
A. Scope of conduct: Appropriate student conduct can be defined by describing behaviors that demonstrate its presence and then, conversely, by defining activities that clearly demonstrate its absence.
Student conduct will be demonstrated in the following areas of activity:
- Conduct related to academic performance
- Relationship with tutors and staff
B. Inappropriate behavior: students will ensure that their behavior is at all times respectful of others.
Students are not to use the online environment to:
- Utter scurrilous, profane, or obscene language;
- Make remarks or engage in conduct that is racist, sexist, or in other ways discriminatory as defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code;
- Engage in behaviors or make remarks that could reasonably be interpreted as threatening;
- Encourage, by inaction or innuendo, the development of a learning environment that is fractious, disrespectful of others, or inconsistent with the student code of conduct.
C. Conduct related to academic performance: students will take responsibility for their own academic achievement. Student will demonstrate their commitment to their own goal of educational advancement by completing the assigned work, and complying with copyright legislation, as outlined below:
- Students should complete assignments, projects, and other activities set by the course for the evaluation, on time. If a student is unable to complete the work in the designated time, he should discuss this matter with the tutor in advance of the deadline date.
D. Relationship with tutors and staff: Students may request input from additional OnTESOL staff in cases of instructional uncertainty. Students have the right to a learning environment free of harassment and discrimination. Students may appeal grading or instructional concerns to the Director of Studies. Students and tutors will abide by TESL Canada’s ethical guidelines, as described at
Equal Opportunity
OnTESOL has an equal opportunity policy in relation to gender and sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion and beliefs. All student-trainees/ trainers/employees shall be treated similarly, unhampered by artificial barriers or prejudices or preferences, except when particular distinctions can be explicitly justified (i.e: Accreditation requirements).
Professional Designation of Recognized Courses
1. 120-hour Advanced TESOL Certificate
After successful completion of all assignments, you will receive a 120-hour Advanced TESOL Certificate awarded by Coventry House International – OnTESOL.
2. 168-hour Hybrid TEFL Certificate
After successful completion of all assignments and confirmation of attendance to the 10-hour Live Lesson Planning Workshop, you will receive a 168-hour Hybrid TEFL Certificate awarded by Coventry House International – OnTESOL.
3. 250-hour TESOL Diploma
On successful completion of this course you will receive a 250-hour TESOL Diploma and the transcripts of all your assignments awarded by Coventry House International – OnTESOL.
3. TESL Canada Professional Certificate Standard One
If you would like to obtain, in addition to the 120-hour Advanced TESOL Certificate or the 168-hour Hybrid TEFL Certificate issued by Coventry House International- OnTESOL, the TESL Canada Professional Certificate Standard 1, you need to have completed an undergraduate program** (BA and/or BSC), a separate 20-hour Practicum, and meet English proficiency standards if you are not a native speaker or have not completed your degree in an English- speaking country. It is your responsibility to apply independently for the TESL Canada certificate after completing the online TESOL / TEFL course and Practicum. Please check TESL Canada’s website for further information on accreditation requirements and how to apply (
4. TESL Ontario CTESOL certification (Level 1)
If you would like to obtain, in addition to the 120-hour Advanced TESOL Certificate or the 168-hour Hybrid TEFL Certificate issued by Coventry House International- OnTESOL, the TESL Ontario CTESOL, you need to have completed an undergraduate program (BA and/or BSC), a separate 20-hour Practicum, and meet English proficiency standards if you are not a native speaker or have not completed your degree in an English-speaking country. It is your responsibility to apply independently for the TESL Ontario certificate after completing the TESOL / TEFL course and Practicum.
**CTESOL Training Program Accreditation through the TESL Ontario Grandparenting Clause. This Program is Recognized by TESL Canada for Professional Standard One Certification and by TESL Ontario as an accredited CTESOL (Canadian TESOL) training program.
For TESL Ontario Certification please see TESL Ontario’s requirements. (
5. TESL Canada Professional Certificate Standard Two
On successful completion of the online 250-hour TESOL Diploma you will receive a 250-hour TESOL Diploma and the transcripts of all your assignments awarded by Coventry House International – OnTESOL. If you would like to obtain, in addition to the TESOL Diploma, the TESL Canada Professional Certificate Standard 2, you need to have completed an undergraduate program** (BA and/or BSC), a 50-hour Practicum, and meet English proficiency standards if you are not a native speaker or have not completed your degree in an English-speaking country. It is your responsibility to apply independently for the TESL Canada certificate after completing the TESOL course and Practicum. Please check TESL Canada’s website for further information on how to apply ( Note: After September 2017, 250-hour TESOL Diploma graduates will have to complete a 50-hour Practicum for TESL Canada Standard 2 accreditation.
Important notice: students without a university degree are still accepted to the course but they are informed that TESL Canada Professional Certificates Standard 1 and 2, and TESL Ontario CTESOL (Level 1) require an undergraduate degree. Students without this qualification will not be eligible for TESL Canada Professional Certificate Standard 1 or 2, or TESOL Ontario CTESOL (Level 1). Non-native speakers who have not completed a university degree in an English speaking country are eligible to take the Advanced TESOL Certificate or TESOL Diploma program and receive the respective certification, but they are informed that they must obtain a valid English Proficiency Score to become eligible for TESL Canada accreditation, or TESL Ontario CTESOL (Level 1). TESL Canada will accept only IELTS Academic (Overall 7 with a minimum of 7 in each skill area) and TOEFL iBT (Overall 101 with a minimum of 23 in Listening, 24 in Reading, 27 in Speaking and 27 in Writing).
Cancelation, Refund, and Deferment Policy
On completion of your course registration and payment, you will receive the Course Activation e-mail within 24 business hours if you meet the registration requirements of the TESOL / TEFL Program* you enrolled in.
*TESOL / TEFL program refers to your core TESOL / TEFL course (120-hour, 168-hour or 250-hour) plus any combination of specialist courses (TEYL, TBEC, IELTS, TEO) that might have been purchased at a discounted price at the time of enrolment.
If you would like to withdraw from your TESOL / TEFL program prior to the course deadline in your Course Activation e-mail, please contact us at to confirm refund eligibility.
Full Refund Policy (Minus 3% Processing Fees)
If you withdraw from your TESOL / TEFL program prior to OnTESOL activating your student account and sending the Course Activation e-mail, you will be eligible for a full refund minus a 3% credit card processing.
Partial Refund Policy – Maximum 50% Refund Option:
If you withdraw from your TESOL / TEFL program within the first 7 days (168 hours) of the start date in the Course Activation e-mail and without having previously submitted your first assignment (120- hour Advanced TESOL, 168-hour Hybrid TEFL, TEYL, IELTS, TBE, TEO courses) or exam (250-hour course) to your tutor, 50% of your tuition fee will be refunded within 10 days.
$0 Refund Policy:
You will not be eligible for a refund on any of the modules and specialist courses you didn’t access if you withdraw after the first 7 days (168 hours) of the start date in the Course Activation e-mail. Even if you are within the first 7-day (168-hour) limit, you will not be eligible for a refund if you withdraw after submitting the first assignment (120- hour Advanced TESOL, 168-hour Hybrid TEFL, TEYL, IELTS, TBE, TEO courses) or exam (250-hour course) to your tutor.
You will not be eligible for a refund on any of the modules and specialist courses you didn’t access if your Academic file is marked as Not Complete or Failed Course.
No exception to the Cancelation, Refund, and Deferment Policy will be granted based on misunderstanding a professional designation and its requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to understand the requirements for any of the following professional designations before enrollment:
OnTESOL’s 120-hour Advanced TESOL certificate, 168-hour Hybrid TEFL certificate, and 250-hour TESOL Diploma; TESL Canada Professional Standard 1 and 2 Certificates; and, TESL Ontario CTESOL (Level 1). If any confusion arises, the administrative staff is available at or through the Request Callback button to answer all of the applicant’s questions and to describe the different professional designations and their requirements prior to the student’s enrolment and payment.
Course Deferment for Medical Reasons
In the event of a medical situation which will prevent you from finishing the course on time, contact to request a Medical Documentation Request Form and a decision on pausing the course and providing an extension to the deadline will be determined based on the information provided on this form.
Attendance Policy
The course start date is the day the Course Activation e-mail is sent to the student. While the student is not required to start studying on their start date, the First Day of Attendance is counted when the student receives the Course Activation e-mail with their course information and orientation.
On completion of your course registration and payment, you will receive the Course Activation e-mail within 24 business hours if you meet the registration requirements of the TESOL / TEFL Program you enrolled in.
The Start Date is the day the Admin office at OnTESOL activates your course and sends you the Course Activation e-mail with information on how to access the course, your Start Date and Course Deadline, and your study guide for initial course orientation.
The Start Date and Course Deadline will be indicated on your Course Activation e-mail, if you cannot find the Course Activation e-mail on your inbox or spam folder, the Start Date and Course Deadline will not change from the original Course Activation e-mail. Send an email to to resend the Course Activation e-mail.
Your Course Activation e-mail is your First Day of Attendance. Due to the nature of the self-paced course, you are not required to start studying on the Start Date indicated in the Course Activation e-mail, but your Start Date and Course Deadline will not change.
You are not required to access the course material and study on specific days in order to complete the online 120-hour or 250-hour TESOL courses offered by OnTESOL. The self-paced nature of the TESOL courses allows students to study at their own pace for the maximum period of time indicated on the Course Deadline in the Course Activation e-mail.
The Last Day of Attendance for your TESOL / TEFL program is the last day you submit an assignment or exam. Access to material is provided as you progress through the course. In the event that you not complete the full course, OnTESOL is not required to provide materials or access to modules you did not reach. This includes access to specialist courses if the prerequisite TESOL / TEFL course is not completed. Your access privileges to the course material will be restricted after 30 days following completion or when the maximum duration limit has been reached.
If you pass the last assignment/exam required to complete your TESCOL / TEFL program before the Course Deadline indicated in the Course Activation e-mail, your Academic file will be marked as Graduate and the admin office will send you the Congratulations e-mail within 5 business days (The time it takes the Director of Studies at OnTESOL to moderate your work and issue your final certification).
All assignments must be passed to receive certification as per Assignments and Exams Make-Up Policy. Not Complete and Failed Course students do not receive any certification or transcript credits.
If you do not pass the last assignment/exam required to complete your TESOL / TEFL program by the Course Deadline indicated in the Course Activation e-mail, your academic file will be marked as Not Complete. Not Complete students who do not extend and pass the course by the maximum allotted time in the Extension Policy are marked as Failed Course.
If you fail the course as per Assignments and Exams Make-Up policy, your academic file will be marked as Failed Course.
Live 10-hour Lesson Planning Workshop Attendance:
Attendance will be taken for the full participation in the live 10-hour Lesson Planning Workshop.
Workshop Access:
Students have access to the live workshops after passing Assignment 2 in methodology (120-hour, 168-hour, and 250-hour). Each monthly series includes four live workshops totaling 10 hours. Every month, a new series of the 10-hour Lesson Planning Workshop starts with Workshop 1 on the first Tuesday of the month and ends with Workshop 4 on the fourth Tuesday of the month. All live classes are on Tuesdays at 6pm-8:30pm (GMT-4 Toronto Time).
Access to the live sessions will be restricted 5 minutes after the starting time. Late students will not be allowed in the live session after 6:05pm unless with prior written permission. Students who need an exemption to arrive late (Maximum 30 minutes) due to work, study, or personal commitments must request and receive permission from at least 72 hours prior to the start date of the respective live session.
Students can access as many sessions as they need as long as they are within their Course Deadline and do not have their Academic File marked as Graduate.
Workshop Participation:
Each workshop session includes a lecture by the Senior Trainers, Q&A sections, and group activities.
A recording of live workshops will not be provided to students. Live participation is required to benefit from the live workshops
Live trainers will take attendance to each session manually and send records of workshop attendance to the office of the Director of Studies. Only students who participate in full will be marked on the Workshop Attendance List.
Full participation in the live workshops is required, including the use of camera at all times, appearance during lecture and Q&A, and engagement with peers during break out activities. Students who appear offline, disconnected, away, or with their cameras off at any point of the live session between 6pm and 830pm will be disconnected from the session without notice or option to return, and will not be marked on the Workshop Attendance List.
Workshop Credits and Certification:
Only students who enroll in the 168-hour Hybrid TEFL Certificate course and are marked on the Workshop Attendance List for all 4 different sessions of the live workshop (Workshops 1 to 4) will receive credits toward the live module through an additional 168-hour Hybrid TEFL Certificate with special mention of their participation in the 10-hour Lesson Planning Workshop.
Students who enroll in the 168-hour Hybrid TEFL Certificate course and complete the core 120-hour self-paced program but do not attend to all four sessions of the workshop will only be eligible to graduate with a 120-hour Advanced TESOL Certificate.
Students enrolled in the 120-hour or 250-hour who participate in the workshops will be marked for their attendance but they will not receive credits and will not receive certification toward the 10-hour Lesson Planning Workshop.
Policy for Refund Calculation
The first day of attendance (y) is the Start Date in the Course Activation e-mail. Y is always equal to 1. If Y is equal to 0, the candidate requested the refund before the Course Activation e-mail and they are eligible for full refund minus 3% credit card processing fee.
The date of determination is the day a student withdraws from the course. If the date of determination (X) is under 168 hours from the first day of attendance, X is equal to 1. If the date of determination is over 168 hours from the first day of attendance, X is equal to 0 and the student is eligible for 0% refund.
If the student submits work during the first 168 hours of enrollment, last day of attendance (Z) equals 0 and the student is eligible for 0 refund. If the student does not submit any work, Z equals to Y, which equals to 1.
The student is eligible for 50% refund only when X, Z, and Y equal to 1.
Refund Calculation= (.5y)(x)(z)
Date of Determination = x
First day of attendance= y
Last day of attendance = z
Z > 1 assignment = 0
Z = No work = 1
X> 168+ hours = 0
X< 168 hours =1
Course Extension Policy
Those who do not complete the course within the deadline have an option to request an extension (See Extension Fee Schedule below). The maximum number of extensions is two. The deadline to request an extension is one year from the original deadline.
Extensions Fee Schedule
120-hour Advanced TESOL Certificate:
In the event that the trainee does not complete the course within the 6-month deadline, a CA$150 extension fee applies for every 2-month extension.
168-hour Hybrid TEFL Certificate:
In the event that the trainee does not complete the course within the 8-month deadline, a CA$150 extension fee applies for every 2-month extension.
250-hour TESOL Diploma:
A one-time free extension of one month is granted once the student has completed and passed the first 18 assignments of the Methodology module.
If you have not reached Assignment 18, or if you have already been granted a free extension, no deferment will be accepted and you will need to pay an extension fee of CA$300 for every 2-month extension to the program. If you have not yet reached Assignment 10, you will receive a 4-month course extension for the same fee.
20-hour Specialist Certificates (TEYL, TEO, TBEC, & Teaching IELTS):
The fee for a 1-month course extension of any specialist course is CA$50.
A. Integrity of student work: Zero Tolerance Policy on Plagiarism and Cheating
OnTESOL has a zero tolerance policy on plagiarism and cheating. Students must submit assignment that is their own original creation. Any external resources and materials used to support the development of assignments must be cited.
To ensure integrity of student work, OnTESOL tutors and staff check assignments for plagiarism and cheating through Plagiarism Checker.
- Plagiarism: The use of unauthorized sources in student assignments is prohibited, including but not limited to referring to other OnTESOL students’ work, using external tutor support or opinion with assignments from someone who is not the assigned tutor or authorized staff at OnTESOL, and using copyright material from any other person, website, publication, or AI source without citation. Plagiarism is an offense and will result in a failing grade for the assignment and failing the course.
- Cheating: Cheating includes but is not necessarily limited to: Collaboration in the preparation of an assignment. Since our online courses are self-study, collaboration will be viewed by Coventry House International-Ontesol as cheating. Trainees who copy their work from another OnTESOL student will be expelled from the course. Trainees facilitate cheating by sharing assignments with other trainees enrolled in the course will be expelled from the course. Graduates who facilitate cheating by sharing assignments with other trainees enrolled in the course will have their certification revoked.
B. Copyright Restrictions on Use of OnTESOL Intellectual Property
OnTESOL owns the intellectual property rights, including copyright, in and to this Site, or has obtained the necessary licenses. Therefore, OnTESOL will take any appropriate legal action to enforce its rights. A number of words, phrases, names, designs or logos used on this Site may be trademarks, service marks or trade names of OnTESOL or of other bodies. These logos may not be used by other parties without prior explicit consent.
The Intellectual Property owned by OnTESOL includes, but is not limited to, the course material used in the TESOL / TEFL and specialist courses, the live workshop sessions, the structure and processes of the OnTESOL courses, the login information, the tutors’ corrections, the tutors’ feedback, the assignments, the video recordings, the interactive features, and any form of communication or training that takes place between OnTESOL and the student during the course. The student agrees not to provide or to otherwise make any of OnTESOL proprietary Intellectual Property available in any form, or any portion thereof, to any person without the prior written consent of OnTESOL.
Access to OnTESOL’s intellectual property is exclusive to the student for the purpose of completing the course and temporary as per the Course Duration. Some intellectual property may be available for download for future reference but may not be shared with any other friend, family member, peer, colleague, website, social media or AI source.
Assignments that trainees have to submit throughout the course are the product of the curriculum developed by OnTESOL and the support provided by the tutor to deliver the program; therefore, OnTESOL automatically acquires the copyright to every assignment when the trainee submits it to the tutor for correction. OnTESOL may share the assignment for educational and marketing purposes without requesting permission from the trainee or giving credits to the trainee. The trainee may not share the assignment with any person or via any media, as indicated in our cheating/ plagiarism policy.
In participating in the 10-hour Lesson Planning Workshop Sessions (The Live Sessions), the Student agrees that OnTESOL may record The Live Sessions and use any of the content in the recording for educational and marketing purposes, including but not limited to integrating, adapting, and distributing the recording of The Live Sessions via the course platform, public website or social media channel operated by OnTESOL.
The Live Sessions are the intellectual property of OnTESOL and OnTESOL will retain 100% copyright ownership of all content recorded during The Live Sessions. This includes but is not limited to all rights of images and voices that appear in the recording, the topics, structure of the session, materials presented during the lesson, and the conversations that take place during the live session. OnTESOL shall not make any payment of fees or royalties to The Student for the use and distribution of their image or voice that appears in the recording.
The Student shall not share the recording with any person and shall not distribute the recording through any website, social media, training program or organization without the previous written consent of OnTESOL’s CEO or President.
C. Use of Web Pages and External Links
The staff of OnTESOL may create and maintain pages contained on, or linked to, this Site. The creation, maintenance and responsibility for these pages is entirely the responsibility of the parties who create and maintain such pages. OnTESOL shall have no responsibility for such pages and is not responsible for any content or information that you may find distasteful or offensive. Also, this Site has links to other web sites. This does not mean On TESOL is associated with, or is legally allowed, to use any trademark, trade name, logo or copyrighted symbol that may be shown in the link (or in its description). These other sites were independently created and OnTESOL does not assume responsibility for the content of these other web sites. By providing links to these other web sites, OnTESOL does not endorse, act as a publisher or distributor of the content on those other web sites.
D. Copyright Restrictions on Use of TESOL / TEFL Certificate
The TESOL / TEFL certificate is an official document that includes OnTESOL copyright content, including logo and the signature of a Signing Officer.
The TESOL / TEFL certificate issued by OnTESOL shall only be used for the purpose of applying for teaching jobs, accreditation, university programs, and/or work visa.
Graduates of the OnTESOL course shall not at any point post or share a copy of the TESOL / TEFL certificate publicly online or through social media because it encourages counterfeit and fraud. Posting or sharing the TESOL / TEFL certificate publicly online or through social media is a violation of our copyright and registered trademark.
OnTESOL reserves the right to revoke the certificate without previous notice in the event a graduate violates copyright and trademark restrictions on the usage of the TESOL / TEFL certificate.
Although the information provided on this Site is thought to be correct when communicated, there is no obligation on OnTESOL to update this information or advise on further changes. There may be misprints but no errors of concepts on this Site, and OnTESOL guarantees the quality, correctness and completeness of the information provided on this Site.
OnTESOL makes no warranties, representations and conditions regarding use of this Site or the information provided, including any implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, whether express or implied, or arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade practice. OnTESOL is not responsible for any direct, indirect, special, in incidental or consequential damages or any other personal or pecuniary loss, whether the action is in contract, tort (including negligence) or any other tort action.
Job Opportunities Disclaimer
The information presented in the Job Opportunities section is a combination of free listings and paid advertising. The promotion of jobs at universities and schools in this site is not intended as an endorsement or as validation of the information provided.
Each interested individual should contact the prospective employer to obtain more information, to verify the terms and description of their services, and to learn about any personal risks involved in taking part in their activities. OnTESOL specifically advises that it does not verify or authenticate such Job Opportunities.
OnTESOL or its employees are not responsible for:
• errors, omissions, or misspelled words regarding third party information; • misrepresentation by third parties; • personal damages or injuries incurred while taking part in a third-party program promoted on this Website; or • disputes between a consumer and a third party.
It is the responsibility of each interested party to contact the provider of educational services to verify the information presented here and to learn about any possible personal risks involved while taking part in their programs.
Computer Viruses
Most material available from the OnTESOL web site is in a “text-file” form which cannot contain or transmit computer viruses. Some pages, however, such as Word files, are in “binary” form, which can, like downloadable executable files, transmit viruses. Although OnTESOL makes every effort to exclude computer viruses from its materials, you should take measures to check for computer viruses, execute due caution when downloading executable files, and make certain you have a comprehensive and recent backup of the information stored on your computer.