Teaching Business English Certificate (TBEC)
TEFL/TESOL Courses > 20-hour TBEC Specialist Certificate
The 20-hour Teaching Business English Course is a specialist certificate designed to prepare TEFL / TESOL certified ESL teachers for one-to-one private tutoring, in-company lessons, and Business English programs at major international language schools.

Why specialize in teaching business English?
In general, Business English teachers earn 30% more than language school teachers. In some countries, Business English teachers earn up to $100/hour. This program is fully online and it will teach you how to assess your learners’ needs, how to develop a syllabus based on lesson plans that meet the unique needs of each Business English student, and how to find appropriate material to cover the main aims of a Business English course.
Online Tutor
This course is fully online and you will be assigned an experienced tutor to answer your questions and correct your assignments.
Course Certificate
Graduates receive a 20-hour TBEC Certificate awarded by Coventry House International-OnTESOL. A stamped hard copy will be mailed and graduates also have the option of downloading a digital copy.
Course Duration
TBEC takes a minimum of one week to complete, but trainees are given up to 8 weeks to complete the course.
Entry Requirements
Candidates must have an internationally recognized TESOL, TEFL, or TESL certification course in order to take this course.
Tuition: CA$299
Tuition fee includes course material, tutor support, and one official certificate.
TESOL Discount: CA$299 Only CA$100 when you register in an online TEFL / TESOL course with OnTESOL
Teaching Business English Course Syllabus
The 20-hour Teaching a Business English Course (TBEC) specialist course consists of seven (7) modules. The final assignment consists of a 4-hour lesson plan that will train you to develop your own Business English syllabus.
Modes Of Assessment
Your understanding of the topics in each module will be assessed through one final assignment. There are also some self-corrected quizzes to review parts of the module, and reflection tasks where you are asked to reflect on the material and readings in the corresponding module. Although quizzes and reflection tasks play an important part in the learning process, they do not count toward the final mark.
Module 1: What Is Business English?
In this module, you will be introduced to the difference between teaching General English and Business English courses. You will also learn about the characteristics of the Business English learner and the advantages and disadvantages of each type of business course, including teaching one-to-one.
Module 2: Needs Analysis
This module describes the importance of a needs analysis before you start teaching a Business English class. It will help you with developing a needs analysis questionnaire and how to assess your prospective Business English class through placement tests. This module will also introduce you to aspects of a Business English syllabus.
Module 3: First Class
This module introduces you to ideas to use in your first class after you have assessed your students and understood their needs. These ideas will also prepare you to continue assessing the class after the initial needs analysis.
Module 4: Approaches And Techniques
Teaching Business English learners is different from teaching General English classes; therefore, the approaches, methods, and techniques shall vary. In this module, you will learn about the main approaches to teaching Business English learners: Integrated-skills approach, Content-based approach, and Task-based approach.
Module 5: Teaching Grammar, Vocabulary, And Pronunciation
Grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation should not be neglected in the Business English class. even the most advanced students will have the need to improve their language for giving presentations or writing reports. This module will teach you how to present or review Business English vocabulary, especially collocations, idioms, and phrasal verbs, and how to help your Business English class with sounds, intonation, and pronunciation.
Module 6: Exploiting Course Books And Authentic Business Materials
This module will help you understand the difference between teaching Business English using a textbook and creating your own handouts using authentic material. In this chapter, you will learn how to apply the methods and techniques described in chapter 5 and how to exploit the receptive skills, listening and reading comprehension, and the productive skills, speaking and writing. This module also introduces you to sample lesson plans in preparation for the final project.
Module 7: ICT Tools For Business English Courses
In this module, you will learn about the different technologies you can use with your Business English class, such as wikis, blogs, and podcasts. You will also learn about E-learning and how to teach online.