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TEFL Australia: Finding the Right Job In Australia

Finding a good TESOL job in Australia was crucial for enjoying my year abroad. Interviews #2-#5 happened rather simultaneously, and unfortunately not all Sydney schools were as reputable and professional as was my first in Manly.

Some of the schools were great, while others, less than stellar. In this article, I will tell you how to avoid the bad schools!

Trial Teach? Run!

On one occasion I had a DoS request me to “trial teach” several classes for a few days (without pay ) to see whether I “fit”. I later found out that this kind of thing is illegal in Australia, and therefore glad I did not waste my time.

My Dream Job – TEFL Australia

I finally found a great “fit” with a school located in Sydney’s downtown core and I was able to start working within 2 weeks of my interview. Many schools offer classes for day-time students (primarily those on student visas) and night-time courses generally for students on working visas, who are trying to improve their English in order to ace the IELTS.

I was hired for the evening shift and began teaching at the Pre-Intermediate level. I was happy to begin at a lower level, as this gave me the chance to gain my footing, so to speak (and to master my grammar!!).

In short, my days consisted of sleeping in till 10 am-ish, a leisurely jog along the beach to begin my day, followed by 1-2 hours of class prepping. I’d then eat lunch, take in a bit of sun on our terrace and then head to the 3 pm ferry to make it to the city in time for my class at 4.

The class would go from 4 to 6 with a 30-minute dinner break and then continue until 8:30 pm. I’d arrive home in time for late dinner with friends, or drinks out on the town, etc.

Many of my colleagues would complain about beginning their workdays as others were finishing theirs, however for me, this was truly the most perfect schedule! To this day, I miss it dearly.

OnTESOL’s 250-hour TESOL Diploma: Advanced TESOL certification course; perfect for teaching English in Australia. 


TESOL Australia: Prepare A Lesson Plan Portfolio

TESOL Australia: Visa, Tax Number, Finding A Place, And More!

Australia: TEFL In Paradise

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