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Teaching English Abroad as a Couple

If you’re in a relationship, you may be considering teaching abroad with your partner.

This can be a great life experience for couples as both get to take part in many new challenges and adventures – together!

Keep reading to learn more about what to expect when teaching abroad as a couple.

You may be wondering why you haven’t made this exciting change yet!

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You Have Someone to Go Through the Good and Tough Times Together

When moving to teach and live abroad with your partner or spouse, you have an added support system with you.

This is a great way to experience both the good and the challenging experiences together.

You can take advantage of new sights and experiences together.

You can also be there for each other during the moments where you feel homesick or overwhelmed with change.

Read: How to overcome culture shock

You May Work Together or Separately

 As a couple, you have the option to work together or separately.

In most cases, private schools have multiple teachers working at one school. If you’re looking to experience the same work-life, you can look for a private school together.

It can be easier to find a couple’s job this way! If you prefer to work in different schools, the public school system is a great option, as usual, only one foreign teacher works at each school.

Before taking a job, take some time to consider what might work best for both of you.

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You May Be Able to Save More

I found that I saved more money teaching abroad with my husband than other teachers who went alone. This can be due to a number of factors.

For one, I spent less money going out because I always had someone to stay in and do things with. In addition, it can be easier and more affordable to eat as a couple, compared to eating at restaurants as a single person.

I also saved more on utilities and other housing costs. Over time, it adds up to a couple of thousands of dollars!

Read: Best Places to teach abroad and travel

You, Will, Have a Travel Buddy

Teaching English abroad you’ll have some vacation time as well as long holiday weekends to enjoy. This is a great opportunity to travel to see even more of the world.

As a couple, you can experience these new places together.

This is a great way to build lasting memories with your partner.

Read: Find the Best TESOL Jobs in 3 Simple Steps

You Should Plan to Have Some Alone Time

You should plan to have some alone time. While it can be fun and exciting to always have your partner by your side, everyone needs a little time to himself or herself.

Back home, it may have been easier to plan alone time.

When living in smaller apartments and having set work schedules, this may be harder to do in abroad.

Make sure that you both plan to also spend time working on your own projects and hobbies during your time teaching English abroad.

Moving abroad to teach English as a couple can be a fun and exciting experience. If you’re thinking about a big life change with many benefits – this may be it!

Take the above information into consideration so that you can better prepare for this new life experience.

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