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TEFL Visa for Mexico, Applying for the FM3 (pt 2)

  • 2 min read
  • Mexico

Since April 30, 2010, the resident card you get comes with a letter that states that you can work anywhere in a specific field, such as education or engineering. With the card and letter, you can work wherever you want in the field of education.

This is a new change, which is great, because once you get the card you aren’t stuck teaching at the job that hires you, and you can quit or take a second or even third job.

Also, it allows you to work anywhere in the country, not just the state of the school that hired you.

Immigration Office in Mexico

The immigration office is called INM – SEGOB, which stands for Instituto Nacional de Migracion, Secretaria de Gobernacion. The website is Gobierno De Mexico I paid about 500 pesos with the application, and then 2000 at the end.

The whole process took three weeks. The fees and the waiting times are very subject to change.

Expect to go at least twice, and possibly many more times than you’d like. When they took my application I asked if I could call for info, they said yes, so I called often. When they finally told me it was ready, I came with the fee only to find that it actually wasn’t ready because the printer wasn’t working that day, so I had to come back.

What is Next in mexico?

When it is all finished, you will receive the temporary resident card, your CURP number, and an official-looking letter that states the field in which you can work. Take these and their copies to the social security office to get your numero de Seguro social.

If you don’t know where this is, just ask your new boss. Keep this number on you – you will use it if you need to take advantage of Mexico’s public health care system.

Then bring the originals and copies of everything to your new employer. You will fill out even MORE paperwork, which may seem excessive, but just wait until you start teaching and turning in students’ grades!

By Ted Campbell
250-hour TESOL Diploma with Practicum. Recognized by TESL Canada

Related Articles:

Applying for the FM3 Visa – Part 1

Mexico FM3 Visa – Part 3

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